
Got to Ellsworth Mon. evening, staying at the Hampton Inn.  What a nice little hotel, clean and friendly.  Tuesday was more of the same with rain off and on, and generally grey.  We drove down into Bar Harbor.  Three cruise ships in the harbor.  The vermin run off the cruise ships as soon as they dock, and infest the streets.  Two logged vermin I’m speaking of.

A pretty little cove in Bar Harbor.

Bar harbor cove

We drove on to Blue Hill, bought a book at Blue Hill Books, then drove on the Deer Island and Stonington.  Stonington has the only working harbor left on the island.  A Stoinington cove.

Stonington cove

A leaf.  why I don’t know.

Water on leaf

I should belong to this organization.

Odd fellows Stinington

Ate dinner at a great family owned lobster pound in Trenton, Lund’s Gateway Lobster Pound.  Highly recommended.

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