Old Cars and Peek-a-Boo Girls

During my recent visit to Chicago, my brother-in-law, Don Jones, and I drove up to Volo, Il., to visit an antique auto museum.  This place has four warehouses full of antique restored cars, all for sale. Don had to restrain me from buying my favorite, a 1970 Ford Mustang Boss 429.  Priced at a mere $209,998.  I decided I would buy lunch instead.  Actually, we had visited the museum a couple of years before, and both remarked that the prices, Boss 429 not withstanding, have come down.  One of my other favorites, on of the most successful cars of all t ime, the Edsel Villager.

Edsel villager

That car was about 100 yards long.  

There happened to be a car show going on outside the museum that Saturday, with a country band and all kinds of creatures, umm, people running around.  The owner of Dragula, a car used in the classic Munster movies, was on site with a couple of actors, Frankenstein and Dracula.  Giving a talk about the show and cars, posing for pictures with folks and signing autographs.  Batman was there also with his car.  This young man approached me very proud of his autograph.  He said that it was special because he built the model of the Batmobile and got it autographed for $10.  

Batman autograph

Dragula was adorned by this young lady, which certainly was an improvement.

.Dragula and girl

A lot of body art was on display. I guess you could call it that.

Body art

The highpoint of the morning was the Peek-A-Boo Pinup Girls.  These girls put out a calendar, proceeds going to their charity, Northpointe Resources.  And they had a good time dancing and gyrating to the band.


Peeakboo 2

Peekaboo 1

A last photo to end this non-too-exciting post, I didn’t know God made blue hair.

Blue hair

But then I’m old-fashioned and poorly informed, I suppose.

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