Chester, Nova Scotia

Here it is Friday afternoon, and we have been in Chester since Tuesday.  After a long day flying, we arrived at the Halifax airport about an hour late.  Looking forward to an hour or so drive to Chester and or destination at the Gray Gables B&B.  Not to be.  Yours truly missed a turn, and turned the hour drive into a two+ hour nightmare.  Well, not really a nightmare, but a much longer and frustrating drive.  My GPS doesn’t have Canadian  maps, so I left it at home.  The trusty IPhone did help out after I decided to trust it, and a very helpful toll booth operator got us in the right direction after a detour through the industrial section of Halifax (we shouldn’t have gone into Halifax at all.)  With no further problems we arrived safely about 10PM local time (Atlantic time zone.)

We awoke the next morning to a marvelous breakfast prepared by our gracious hostess, Jacqui.  The view from the veranda:

View from porch

                                             Fujifilm X100 23mm 1/1200 @ f/16 iso 200 

A typical Nova Scotia foggy morning.  I could only imagine what view awaited us.

The view on a pretty day

                                     Fujifilm X100 23mm 1/1000 @ f/16 iso 200

For those interested here is a link to the Wikipedia page on Chester, Nova Scotia.,_Nova_Scotia

We happened to arrive during the annual boating Race Week, so we pretty much stayed away from the village except to visit Gina’s aunt, and I did some walking around.  It is a very crowded village during the races.  Restaurants and taverns overflowing with boisterous yachting types.  It does have a very pretty harbor, one with very expensive homes. One view:

Yacht basin and dock

                                                 Fujifilm X100 23mm 1/2500 @ f/16 iso 200

We lunched with Gina’s cousins and aunt at the Chester Golf Club which sits on one of the many inlets around Chester.  Not a bad place to play golf if one had contracted that disease.

View from Chester Golf Club

                                                     Fujifilm X100 23mm 1/4000 @ f/16 iso 200

We then took a long drive on a small part of the lighthouse route of the South Shore, covering the Aspotogan peninsula. Some random images from the drive.


  Nikon D7000 18-200mm lens 70mm1/250 @ f/7.1 iso 200 processed in Topaz Adjust 5

Lobster pots on dock

   Nikon D7000 18-200mm lens 48mm1/160 @ f/8 iso 200 processed in Topaz Adjust 5

Rowboat 2

  Nikon D7000 18-200mm lens 150mm1/200 @ f/9 iso 200 processed in Topaz Adjust 5

I’m tired, time for a nap.  More later.

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