Lunenburg and Mahone Bay

There are three iconic scenes of Nova Scotia, three things people associate with the province.  Peggy’s Cove which I discussed earlier,  the Bluenose II Schooner and the church steeples of Mahone Bay.  The Bluenose later, here is a view of Mahone Bay.

Mahone bay steeples
               Nikon D300 18-200mm lens 82mm 1/320 sec @ f/10 iso 200  processed in Topaz Adjust 5

Another shot of Mahone Bay.

Another view of Mahone Bay
             Nikon D300 18-200mm lens 18mm 1/320 sec @ f/14 iso 200 processed in Topaz Adjust 5


The Bluenose II is a schooner built by the Oland Brewery in Nova Scotia and launched in 1963, to replace the original Bluenose which at one time symbolized Nova Scotia’s prominence in the ship building and fishing industries..  The Bluenose II was gifted  to the Province of Nova Scotia by the Oland Brewery in 1971.  Here is a link to some of the history of the Bluenose.  The Bluenose II is currently being rebuilt in Lunenburg.

Bluenose II under rebuild
                                      Nikon D300 18-200mm lens 56mm 1/160 sec @ f/14 iso 200 


The curved metal beams over the Bluenose were part of the shell or building which covered the vessel while the hull was being rebuilt.  The shipbuilders lifted the superstructure off the boat and then scrapped and rebuilt the hull.  The building was being removed the day we were there.

Lunenburg is an interesting old fishing and shipbuilding community.  Here is a link to some information about the town.

There is a rebirth of the shipbuilding industry in Lunenburg, as evidenced in part by the rebuilding of the Bluenose II.  One small outfit was building dories by hand, the old-fashioned way.  What’s a dory you ask?  This firm has been building dories for quite a while.

Dory shop
                                     Nikon D300 18-200mm lens 36mm 1/100 sec @ f/18 iso 1400 


A dory under construction.

Dory builder
 Nikon D300 18-200mm lens 35mm 1/20 sec @ f/18 iso 3200 


The workshop at Norse Boats, and the builder.

Norse boat building
         Nikon D300 18-200mm lens 18mm 1/160 sec @ f/8 iso 200

Norse boat builder
                              Nikon D300 18-200mm lens 23mm 1/5000 sec @ f/16 iso 1600


Some other random views of Lunenburg.

Sailboat and pier
                                      Fujifilm X100 23mm lens 1/1000 sec @ f/16 iso 200

Seaworthy vessel
     Nikon D300 18-200mm lens 48mm 1/126 sec @ f/16 iso 200

Yellow man
      Nikon D300 18-200mm lens 112mm 1/100 sec @ f/18 iso 250


I’ll finish up this trip next post with some stuff from our couple of days in Halifax.

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